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I’m a  “recovering perfectionist”.  Yep,  I know it and I admit that it’s an evolving part of who I am.  I am constantly learning to release the need to be perfect and do things perfectly.  It’s been a journey, but I’m gradually learning to release the need for perfection in my life.   Have you ever felt the pressure to do everything right?  Do you feel guilt or shame around making mistakes? Do you ever feel like you or your body is never good enough?  I believe that an important part to loving ourselves is learning to accept and embrace our imperfections.  So when I was invited to be interviewed as a featured guest on the Perfectly Imperphect website I was honored to share my story.  I invite you to read about my journey from self and body hate to being a passionate self and body love advocate.  Please click here to read the post and be sure to share your feedback.  We’d love to hear from you!



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Ivy LaArtista

The Body Relationship Coach at See Body. Love Self.™
Ivy Cooper, The Body Relationship Coach™ is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Body Image Expert. She offers education, empowerment, and encouragement to help people build health, loving relationships with their body and self.

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