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I love it when I see another women share her body freedom boldly!  So, when I saw this post from Akilah S. Richards, I had to share it here on The Naked Blog.   Akilah and I were both part of The Layers of Beauty Tour created by GG Renee of All The Many Layers.  Each woman on the tour had a different letter to share their feelings around redefining beauty.  If you are tired of the traditional, narrow minded perspective on beauty that is constantly pushed on women by society and media, then I invite you to check out the tour and experience the liberation that each woman shared.


This post below is one of my favorite on the tour, written by Akilah S. Richards on RadicalSelfie.com:

I realized recently that I’ve been hiding behind the shield of motherhood as a way of “justifying” why I have stretch marks. I had one myomectomy (fibroid removal surgery) and two C-sections in a six-year period. My body stretched and shrunk to accommodate two perfect little girls who are both today nearly taller than me. I earned dem damn stretch marks!

Word. Yeh.    Read more here 


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Ivy LaArtista

CEO & Founder at See Body. Love Self.™
Ivy Cooper, The Body Relationship Coach™ is a professional health coach and body image expert. She offers education, empowerment, and encouragement to help people build health, loving relationships with their body and self.

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