How often do we complain about our bodies? I am not here to judge you, because I know I have done it several times too. It can so easily become a habit: “My feet are too big. My belly is scarred. My behind is jiggly. My hair is such a hassle. My skin is wrinkled.” Frankly, complaining about our bodies is something that most of us have made into a habit. We say negative things about our bodies so often that we do not even realize how much damage we are causing with our mouth. Most importantly we do not realize how much we are disrespecting The Creator who made us. There are so many parts and functions within our bodies that we take for granted and do not acknowledge: our brains, our respiratory systems, our eyes, and our tongues. Most of the times we do not think about how much our body means to us until illness or injury comes our way. I am challenging you to join me in giving thanks to The Creator for 21 Days.
[blockQuote position="left"]“I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made!” Msg Bible Psalm 139:14. [/blockQuote]
The challenge is very simple. Each day we will choose a body part to acknowledge. We will take a photograph of that body part (make it safe for public share). Then, we will post the photo on social media: Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr. We will write a short statement of WHY we are thankful for the body part and tag it #BodyThanks2013. The goal of this experience is to retrain our brains to be more thankful for our bodies. It is said that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. We are looking to form a NEW habit of being more positive and thankful for our body. I am confident that we can do it! Will you be joining in? I’d love to hear your feedback.
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