Yes, I Cried | Embracing Vulnerability & Owning Emotions
Why are we so embarrassed by tears but proud of our smiles? Perhaps it’s because society has taught us all of our lives that we SHOULD smile: for the camera, for other people, to impress, to be liked, even to be loved. We’ve been told that a smile...Get In The Know | National Eating Disorders Awareness Week
What is the image that comes to mind when you think of eating disorders? Because of media and perpetuated image, most of us have a similar image in our heads that may look something like this: A woman Age 15-25 Caucasian Extremely skinny and frail body Someone who...Releasing Perfectionism | Finding Peace With Less Than Perfect
Have you ever heard of a “recovering perfectionist”? The term “recovering alcoholic” is a bit more recognizable than “recovering perfectionist” but the premise behind them both is the same. In “Alcoholic...I Found Love When I Looked In The Mirror | Nijah Jihad
Up until the past 2 years, I always wanted to be like my friends and be involved with someone/be in a relationship/boo’ed up (lol), whatever you want to call it. I had a few – all of which were toxic – and as I look back on those failed relationships, the...Body Love Prose With Execumama
Akilah S. Richards, A.K.A “Execumama” has been such a big part of the conception and birthing of See Body. Love Self. Long before this organization became a reality, she was there, coaching me to “risk expression”. It’s what she does....« Older Entries
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