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Big Girls Don’t Cry | Body Image vs Health Conscious

Big Girls Don’t Cry | Body Image vs Health Conscious
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I’m about to get naked, right here…right now.  Naked, meaning share my PERSONAL views on body image, health, and self Love.  I’m going to remove the “cover ups” and get real and bold with it.  If you are brave enough to stay and watch, you just might be provoked to do the same.

I’ve always been larger than the “typical” size all my life, from childhood to right this very moment.  And let me tell you this…BIG GIRLS DO CRY.  How can you grow up in a society that is image based and that sets an unreasonable standard for what beautiful is, and NOT cry…sometimes?  However, truth be told, almost ALL women cry in secret, in small groups, in public.  Because we are consistently getting messages of what we SHOULD be, and if you embrace those messages it means you are constantly battling the hurt of what your are NOT.  Yes, I’ve cried as a child from being teased for being overweight.  I cried as a teenager because I wanted to look like “those” girls.  I cried as a woman because it’s a struggle to achieve the IMPOSSIBLE…but dammit, I’m done crying over this!

I am done with having “them” tell me how I should feel about me, and THAT is where my emergence begins.  I am consciously doing what is necessary to be healthy and fit.  Am I “perfect”? Absolutely not.  I eat healthy and exercise.  I am learning how to do BOTH of those better every day…but who isn’t?  I have learned and FINALLY embraced that health and fitness is a life journey not a SIZE DESTINATION.  I know what I am doing to be the best me I can be, and therefore I deserve to love E-V-E-R-Y bit of me throughout this journey.

What person in their right mind abuses a baby for falling when they are learning to walk, or spilling food when they are learning to eat, or scribbling when they are first learning to write?  We embrace them, we protect them, we nurture them, we teach them until they GET IT.  Because we understand that IT IS A PROCESS.  We understand that IT TAKES TIME.  We  understand that THEY NEED US IN ORDER TO GROW.  So why can’t we do the same thing for ourselves?  It is NOT about making excuses to remain an “infant” in our health and fitness.  However, it IS about embracing, protecting, nurturing, and teaching OURSELVES through the process.  

So, I invite ALL WOMEN, no matter your size, shape, age, health status, or fitness level to join me.  Let go of the labels and embrace the Love…of YOURSELF.  Get healthy, fit, and whole; but love yourself along the way.  When you Love someone you want the best for them, and you support them every step of the way along the journey.  “Give yourself permission to Love and be Loved”. Will you join me in the journey?

Creatively Inspired,

Ivy LaArtista


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Ivy Cooper, The Body Relationship Coach™ is a professional health coach and body image expert. She offers education, empowerment, and encouragement to help people build health, loving relationships with their body and self.

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  • http://www.marcapplewhite.com/ Dr. Marctagon

    Very powerful entry! I could literally feel your words and the passion in them. I love your attitude and I hope this inspires other women to feel the same way, I will definitely be passing it on…

    • http://www.IvyLaArtista.com/blog Ivy LaArtista

      Thank you for sharing the information with others. I am glad that you were able to feel the energy of my dialogue. It is great to see a man understand and support the body positive movement of women.

  • Jo

    Go Ivy!!! And it’s not just “bigger” women who have body image issues. Here’s to all of us having a healthy *mental* outlook and allowing ourselves to enjoy the body we have!

    • http://www.IvyLaArtista.com/blog Ivy LaArtista

      Cheers Jo! 

  • http://www.facebook.com/Nikkiecolecole Nicole Fisher-Holloway

    Love it 

  • Natelege Downs

    Here here! Totally agree!

  • Lisa C

    Yes, I will join YOU! This is an amazing testament of SELF LOVE. You are courageous for sharing your intimate self, unashamed, and uncut, I love it! I’m embracing you. I’m protecting you. I’m teaching and learning from you. I’m proud of you and I love you. I am you and you are me  :-)

    • http://www.IvyLaArtista.com/blog Ivy LaArtista

      Lisa, there was fear before I touched the keyboard, but once I allowed my voice the freedom, it was actually a release and a declaration for myself.  It put a lot of things into motion for me and solidified my journey.  Thank you for joining me and loving me.  I reciprocate the Love.  Loving you right back!  

  • Virginia

    Wow, I was taken by your bravery and attitude of the realization that we women need to accept who we are.  It has been extremely hard to accept my size, but now I like you eat to be healthy and not worry about my size.  Stay in the fight and realize that you are a beautiful Ivy and there is none like you.

    • http://www.IvyLaArtista.com/blog Ivy LaArtista

      Thank you!  I love you! 

  • http://www.execumama.com/ Execumama

    Ivy La Artista :: Knows How To Risk Expression!
    Clearly Ivy, you decided to forget about the computer and simply share your soul with us on a spiritual level. You risked it, and let me tell you–it is already starting to pay off in your life! I am PROUD of you, particularly because through your nakedness, you’ve educated, inspired, and riled up all kinds of power in us women.  THANK YOU!

    • http://www.IvyLaArtista.com/blog Ivy LaArtista

      Akilah, you are so much a part of THIS moment of progression in my life.  Your challenges to take the risk of radical self expression helped me to push past the “performance” to get to the passion of who I am and what I REALLY have to say.  Thank YOU! 

  • http://twitter.com/MoniseLSeward Monise L. Seward

    *claps* Yay! You are right, women of all sizes do cry. I shared with someone on FB that my own family teased me for being ‘skinny’ as a child and that has definitely impacted my self-image to this day. I am learning to embrace my body and work to improve how I view myself.

    • http://www.IvyLaArtista.com/blog Ivy LaArtista

      Yes we all have our own versions of pain.  Whether it be to skinny, or too heavy, other peoples opinions and words have caused scars that impact some of us for years.  It is good to hear that you are learning to embrace your beauty and define your OWN self.  

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  • Denise Greenaway

    Good for you girl! This is such a straightforward, no-holds-barred perspective and it’s so refreshing. Well done!

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  • http://rockinrobin.me/ Robin Avidor

    Ok, Ok, I LOVE myself! thanks for the encouagement!

    • / Ivy LaArtista

      Awesome @robinavidor:disqus! I’m glad this post helps you.

  • Bouncin’ Barb

    I have been a BBW since I quit smoking 28 years ago. My late husband never liked my weight and I was very self conscious. After he passed away and time passed by I decided to start dating. I was amazed at how many men love a big girl! I’m now in a relationship with a man who has taught me just how “sexy” I really am!!!

    • / Ivy LaArtista

      @bouncinbarb:disqus I am glad that you are learning to love yourself as you are in this moment! Thank you for reading.

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