2013: Twelve Things Learned and One New Year Resolution
I haven’t been big on New Year Resolutions in a very long time. After several years of making resolutions and not keeping them, I have learned that most of it was about obligation and not true commitment to my own welfare. So I decided a while ago to...I Changed My Mind About Life | Ivy LaArtista’s Birthday Post
It’s my personal New Year! I am blessed to have made it another year. My birthdays always put me in a reflective mood, causing me to look back on how I have evolved over the past 365 days mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. One thing I have...
Art Imitates Life | Remembering Marlene Lillian
It is amazing how someone’s death can be a great loss and a great inspiration simultaneously. That is how I feel about Marlene Hawthorne Thomas. She was warm, bubbly, friendly, positive, yet serious and assertive all at the same time. The day she called me...
4 Ways to Unselfishly Put Yourself First | Self Love With Queen Neek
If you were like me and countless other women earlier this year, you were glued to BET’s premier of its original movie, Being Mary Jane, starring good girl next door morphed into a “self-assured” vixen, Gabrielle Union, as the movie’s main character, Mary Jane Paul. ...« Older Entries
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