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B is for Body | The Layers of Self Discovery Tour

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The body: it has been a part of us, since we were born.  It is the vehicle we inhabit to navigate through life.  It is our vessel of autonomy and self expression. It protects our souls that live within.  It sustains our spirits so that we can fulfill our life Purpose.  Yet, quite often we treat our body as if it is separate from us.  We neglect to acknowledge the importance of Body Relationship: the harmony between the inner self and the outer body. Why does it matter matter if our body and self are in healthy loving relationship?  Because the unity between the two is necessary for harmony in our life.  As long as we feel separated from our bodies by  shame, guilt, anger, or frustration we will be unhealthy.  True holistic health is harmony among mind, body, and spirit.  Learning to love who we are from the inside out empowers us to define our own life experience on our terms. However, loving your body and yourself can be quite challenging for many.  It is easy to say and it sounds good, but when it comes to practical life application, body and self love is not easy for everyone.  So, how do you learn to bring body and self together in a loving relationship?  Here are a few things that you can practice to get started:

  • Learn Your Body Language– Your body is constantly communicating with you.   It was designed to signal you.  It tells you when it’s hungry, tired, ill, in danger,  or deficient in nutrients.  The more you listen to your body, the more you will hear it “speak” to you.  Don’t be afraid to ask yourself questions about your body: what does that pain mean, why is my skin changing, or what  food feels best when I eat? Seek to know your body and you will be come closer to it.
  • Prioritize Body Care– Put your body on your calendar.  Make it a priority in your life.  Whether it is exercise, eating, or taking a nap, make a commitment to care for your body.  When you invest in your body, you will receive an infinite return in all of your health and well being.  It is a way to acknowledge the importance and value of your body to your life.
  • Release Negative Energy About Your Body–  Work on eliminating words of judgement, shame, and comparison about your body: “this hair is a mess, my skin is horrible, I need to lose this belly, I wish my boobs were bigger”   Start replacing them with gentle, loving dialog: “I care for my hair so it will it grow,  I nourish my skin so it will glow, I am exercising to strengthen my core, I am thankful for having healthy breasts”
  • Embrace the Journey With Your Body- Remember that your body has been here since the beginning.  It is not perfect, but it is yours.  It has carried you to this point in life and it deserves to be honored for that.  Understand that you have the rest of your life to live with your body and you can always evolve and improve along the way.  However, give yourself grace and gentleness to know that you will always be working towards the higher version of yourself.

I know that learning to love body and self can be challenging.  I also know that you may have never even considered the importance of a healthy, loving body relationship.  Maybe what I shared in this post has sparked your curiosity or desire to pursue harmony between your body and self.  You don’t have to face that journey alone.  I would be happy to talk with you and help you discover what you want in your body relationship and set goals to attain those things. ‘

I invite you to schedule a FREE one on one Body Relationship Consultation with me today!

Schedule Me Now!


This post is part of The Layers of Self-Discovery Tour created by GG Renee of All the Many Layers.  Follow the tour through the blogs of 26 women exploring the complexities of womanhood and self-discovery from A to Z.  Click here to keep up with each post and enter to win a giveaway package full of goodies for your mind, body and soul.   #LayersAtoZTour
Photo Credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/afunkydamsel/5604135163

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Ivy LaArtista

CEO & Founder at See Body. Love Self.™
Ivy Cooper, The Body Relationship Coach™ is a professional health coach and body image expert. She offers education, empowerment, and encouragement to help people build health, loving relationships with their body and self.

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  • Mari

    Great one Ivy!

    • / Ivy LaArtista

      Thank you Mari for reading and I’m glad you enjoyed it.

  • Saunya

    “It has carried you to this point in life and it deserves to be honored for that” — I love this statement. This just changed how I view my body, my shell, my soul’s home. Love this! (I’m Saunya, Letter T from the tour btw :)

    • / Ivy LaArtista

      I’m so excited to hear that this has positively impacted how you feel about your body. That is WHY I do this! Congratulations on your moment of enlightenment. I look forward to reading your contribution as well Saunya.

  • http://www.radicalselfie.com/ Akilah S. Richards

    Thank you, Ivy! I love that you took the time to give us concrete steps toward this body love journey. You continue to move me.

    • / Ivy LaArtista

      Thank you for reading Akilah. I know that when you are moved, it is meaningful. So, I am thankful and humbled to incite that experience in you.

  • / Ivy LaArtista

    You are right Sylvia! The body IS miracle and since our body is part of us….WE are beautiful and miraculous too. Thank you for reading and sharing your comment.

  • Nijah

    I enjoyed your article Ivy. You spoke the truth and like you said it is easier said than done. However, as you also stated, once you find the balance between the two, you become empowered!!!! This has been a journey for me and I am so so so glad that I found that balance because I love me some me!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

  • http://indiexrocks.blogspot.com/ The Indie | The Indie Byline

    I’m in love with this post. I believed myself to be pretty positive about my body but after reading this I realized that perhaps, I still have a quite a journey to travel to give my body love. I am very guilty of having or feeling negative energy toward my body. Especially lately, as my belly has begun to expand more than I would like. I’ll definitely be more careful about the energy or words I use towards my body, as you said it is the vehicle we use to navigate throughout our lives

  • http://brianaford.com/ Briana Ford

    Great points! Sometimes I run my body into the ground, so I try hard to treat it like an old friend, and nurture it as best as I can.

    • / Ivy LaArtista

      Thank you for reading Briana! I understand how easy it can be to run yourself ragged. However, our bodies are the only vehicles that we have to navigate this life. So, it’s important that we take care of them. Please let me know if you would like to work with me and get support in learning how to prioritize self care and wellness. I’d be happy to help!

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