What Is Body Relationship Coaching About?
Connecting with your outer body and inner self.
Learning to embrace your outer body and inner self.
Exploring how your outer body and inner self are interrelated.
Discovering harmonious balance between the two.
Learning to love what you can see (outer body) and what you cannot (inner self).
Creating your own definition of body and self and experiencing life on those terms.
What Body Relationship Coaching Is NOT About:
Focusing on weight loss
Changing to be accepted by others
Meeting social expectations of beauty and desirability
Punishing your body or self
Becoming what is expected by others
Is Body Relationship Coaching Right For Me?
Do you feel shame or embarrassment around what you see in the mirror?
Do you struggle with low confidence, low self esteem, or insecurity around your body or yourself?
Do you feel “trapped” inside a body that you can’t stand?
Do you feel the need to change or alter your body in order to be loved or accepted?
Do you avoid or postpone activities and events in your life until you “improve” your body?
Do you punish yourself for behaviors or choices you make in your body (overeating, not exercising, gaining weight, etc.)?
Do other people’s opinions of your body determine how you feel towards your body and how you treat it?
Are you focused on achieving a goal weight, size, or inches before experiencing satisfaction with your body?
Do you use food to manage weight and body shape?
Do you want to make peace between your body and food, once and for all?
Do you feel that who you who you are on the inside and outside are not connected?
Do you feel like you are “pretending” for others, in order feel better or to be accepted?
Do you avoid saying, doing, trying, or wearing things because you are worried about the opinions of others?
If you answered “yes” to 3 or more of these questions,
then Body Relationship Coaching was created for YOU!