404-997-8814 info@SeeBodyLoveSelf.org

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is a Health Coach?

The quest for health and wellness can be challenging and sometimes even confusing or frustrating.  A health coach serves as a guide to offer support and resources that will help you in your journey to wellness.  They also help clients work through the meanings behind the behaviors and choices in their lives. The purpose of a health coach is not to replace any existing healthcare professionals that the client may be working with already.  The health coach acts as a complement to existing healthcare professionals. They help empower the client to take charge of his or her own health and offer education that enables the client to implement progress in their health goals.

What is “Holistic Health Coaching”?

At See Body. Love Self. (SBLS) we offer health coaching that focuses on holistic health.  “Holistic” is an adjective. It describes emphasis on the importance of the whole and the interdependence of the parts.  In reference to health, a “holistic” approach takes into consideration all parts of us as human beings: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.  Each part is affected and influenced by the other. Each part is dependent on the other.  “Holistic Health” is the focus on achieving a harmonious connection of health among each part of our lives. Want to know more about Holistic Health? Check this out!


What Does “The Body Relationship Coach” mean?

Ivy Cooper (A.K.A. Ivy LaArtista) is the Holistic Health Coach for See Body. Love Self.  As “The Body Relationship Coach” she offers a unique blend of holistic health and body image coaching to her clients.  Ivy helps clients acknowledge and connect with their bodies.  By doing this she is able to coach them through the process of building a healthy, loving relationship with their bodies and selves.  As the client develops a healthier body relationship they learn how to make healthier choices such as: food that nurtures, fitness that strengthens, spirituality that grounds, thoughts that empower, and relationships that support them.

What Is The Health Coaching Experience Like?

Health coaching at SBLS is a positive, life changing experience.  It is the opportunity to be heard and supported in a confidential, judgment free environment.  The health and body relationship of the client is always the focus of the coaching process.  Because health coaching is about empowerment, the client is in charge of the overall outcome of their health coaching experience.  The health coach serves as the guide.  That means that the more the client puts into the experience, the more they will get out of it.  A motivated and committed client is guaranteed to be successful in their goals with the support of their health coach.


What are the types of Health Coaching Available?

At SBLS there are two types of health coaching options:

Individual Health Coaching:  One on one coaching sessions between the coach and the client in a private setting (live or virtual) that take place on a  bi-weekly basis for 6 months.  Attention from the coach is focused on the one specific client and their unique needs.

Group Health Coaching: Small group sessions consisting of 4 to 6 people with the coach in a private setting (live or virtual). Sessions take place on a bi-weekly basis for 6 months.   Support is given from the coach and fellow members of the group.  Group conversations focus on the shared goals and challenges of the group members.

Both coaching options include plenty of supplemental support in addition to the actual coaching sessions.  Clients are provided with informational and supportive handouts, worksheets, books, and even gifts that help on the health journey!

Who Is Health Coaching For?

The truth is that health coaching is something that everyone COULD benefit from.  However, there are certain people who are most likely to benefit from health coaching.  If you would like to know if health coaching is for you, take a look at this list questions:

  • Are you tired of being sick and tired, literally?
  • Do you struggle with low energy, low motivation, or a stagnant life?
  • Are you challenged with choosing foods that are both delicious and healthy?
  • Are you confused and overwhelmed by all the diet, nutrition, and fitness advice you see and hear around you?
  • Do you want to be healthier and happier but you’ve never been successful trying it on your own?
  • Do you know that you have potential to live a better life, but you don’t know how to get started?
  • Do you want to choose healthy foods but the phrases certified organic, gluten free, and all natural confuse you at the store?
  • Has your doctor given you a negative health diagnoses: diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, etc?
  • Do you feel uncomfortable in your own skin or feel shame around your body?
  • Is your confidence or self esteem level low?
  • Do you let your weight stop you from working out or being physically active?
  • Do you dislike your body because of your weight, size, or shape?

If you answered yes to three or more of these questions and you are ready to receive support in finding the solutions, then health coaching may be a great choice for you!  Would you like to be sure? You can always try a Health Coaching Consultation for no cost.  The Health Coaching Consultation is the perfect no risk way to see if coaching with See Body. Love Self is the right fit for you!

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