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How can anyone hate their own body?  Is it possible to hate the very vehicle that you use to journey through life? ABSOLUTELY!  If you have ever wished that you had a different body, if you have ever felt shame and guilt around what you look like, if you have ever loathed being in the spotlight because of your body then you may have experienced body hate.  It may be hard to think of ourselves as actually HATING our bodies.  However, I believe that there are different degrees of body hate.  Body hate can range anywhere from despising a certain part of your body, to feeling strong negative emotions around your entire being.

So how do you know if you are experiencing body hate? How do you deal with negative emotions around your body?  LaKesha Brown, the founder of UncommonChick.com asked me to do a Google Hangout interview with her to discuss healing from body hate.  I was honored to be invited to chat with her, because I LOVE to talk about all thing self love, and body image.  I invite you to listen in as Kesha and I talk about holistic health, body image, and self love. We share our own personal stories with you and offer some solutions to embracing a healthy, loving relationship with your body and self.  Check out the post on her site here: http://sbls.info/stopbodyhate



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Ivy LaArtista

The Body Relationship Coach at See Body. Love Self.™
Ivy Cooper, The Body Relationship Coach™ is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Body Image Expert. She offers education, empowerment, and encouragement to help people build health, loving relationships with their body and self.

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