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Healing Your Body Relationship | A Self Love Commitment

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Everywhere we turn there are messages, opinions, and perspectives about what we should do with our bodies.  Have you ever stopped to take notice of how many messages you receive in a day about your body and your self? There are comments about your weight, your skin, your hair, your height, your curves (or lack thereof), your teeth, your abs….it literally NEVER stops.  The truth is that society is out to make you HATE yourself, and too often they are successful.  Think of how many times you question your beauty and attractiveness after watching a commercial or reading a magazine.  Consider how often you feel worse about yourself after being inundated with the incessant diet and weight loss campaigns in January EVERY year.  Do you think that those messages are really out to help you improve your life, or is it possible that they are capitalizing off of creating self hate within you?  Because, the truth is, that if you hate yourself, you are going to always be buying their products to feel better. Then, they will come out with a NEW beauty standard that is damn near impossible for you to REACH, much less maintain for the rest of your life, and you will be infinitely unhappy.

I truly believe that the foundation to experiencing meaningful, long lasting happiness in our bodies is to have a healthy, loving body relationship. What I know is that when we have a healthy body relationship, we make healthy choices based on the love we have for ourselves, not the hate propaganda of society around us.  A healthy body relationship empowers us to make health choices about nutrition, fitness, rest, relationships, self care, and more.  When we heal the hurt and broken parts in our body relationship, then we will begin to see our lives flourish in every area.

During the month of February we will be helping you to empower, educate, and encourage you in your body relationship in several ways.  “Healing Your Body Relationship: A Love Commitment” will be our focus for the month.  We will have some awesome guests providing their insight and I will personally be inviting you to take control of how you feel about your body, so that you can begin to make healthy life choices.  I am VERY excited to share all this love with you! If you haven’t done so already, be sure to sign up for our newsletter and subscribe to the blog, so that you don’t miss a moment!



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Ivy LaArtista

CEO & Founder at See Body. Love Self.™
Ivy Cooper, The Body Relationship Coach™ is a professional health coach and body image expert. She offers education, empowerment, and encouragement to help people build health, loving relationships with their body and self.
  • http://drmarctagon.com/ Marc A.

    I look forward to reading and hearing more about this next month!

    • / Ivy LaArtista

      Thank you @drmarctagon:disqus! Please feel free to share with those you think will benefit. The fellas are welcomed too!!

  • Nijah

    I enjoyed reading your piece and it’s so true…and like you said “too often they are successful”…but it is time to take our power back, one woman at a time!!!!!

    • / Ivy LaArtista

      Thank you for reading Nijah. Yes, it’s time to heal this relationship with our bodies and help others to heal too.

      • Nijah

        agreed…you tell your testimony and I’ll tell mines to encourage the masses!!!! We will win the war against self hate, low esteem and negative body image!

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