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5 Ways You Can Embrace Self Love And Positive Body Image

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“You’re absolutely fabulous!” Ten years ago, if someone had said that to me, I would have felt so uncomfortable and uneasy.  I wouldn’t have believed them and I definitely would have found a way to deflect the attention from myself onto something else.  I just didn’t FEEL fabulous.  I didn’t believe that I had anything special going on to make me fabulous, and I didn’t see anything beautiful about what I saw in the mirror.  To me “fabulous” was an adjective used to describe celebrities and models.  Their level of beauty and talent was what I considered to be “fabulous”.  I didn’t feel worthy of being celebrated, complimented, or admired by anyone.  I actually tried to fade into the background as much as possible and go unnoticed.

“You’re absolutely fabulous!” Fast forward to today and I BELIEVE those words.  I can walk around knowing, and embracing the power that I have within.  When I look in the mirror, I KNOW that I am not any less “fabulous” than any other human being on this planet.  I know that The Creator made me unique and special.  So how did I go from self hate, self deprecation, self loathing to celebration? I took one step at a time! I began by taking gradual steps towards embracing self love and positive body image.  It was not a fast or easy evolution, but with consistency and determination I evolved into a healthy, loving relationship with my body and self.

I am not going to promise you a magic potion that will give you confidence and self esteem over night, because it usually doesn’t happen that way.  Having gone through the process myself, I know that it takes education, empowerment, and encouragement to evolve into a healthy body relationship, if you do not already have one.  However, I do know that you can START the journey at any time and I have some simple steps that you can try this week, to get you started.  As The Body Relationship Coach™, I am here to assist you with developing a plan for your life that consist of holistic health and positive body image, so if you try these steps and desire to go further schedule a free consultation today.   I’m ready to support you on your journey!

5 Ways You Can Embrace Self Love and Positive Body Image This Week: 

  1. Acknowledge Negative Body and Self Beliefs– We all have negative thoughts about our body and self.  Contrary to popular belief, there’s no reason to ignore those thoughts or try to pretend they don’t exist.  Take the time to write down the negative thoughts that you have about your body and be as honest as possible with yourself.  You can’t fix what you don’t accept.  Once you accept that the negative beliefs exist, you can prepare to release them. Example “I don’t like what I see in the mirror and wish I were more attractive”
  2. Create NEW Body and Self Affirmations– We are not victims. We are responsible for our own beliefs.  We can create NEW beliefs at any time.  So, take the list you wrote of things that you do not like about yourself and create a NEW, positive affirmation about your body and self. Example: “I love what I see in the mirror and celebrate my unique beauty”
  3. Use the NEW Affirmations Daily – This will be a “fake it until you make it” experience.  Some of the new beliefs will feel: fake, false, and even funny.  However, keep reading them and saying them to yourself daily.  This is not about believing the words right away, that may take time.  This is about creating NEW affirmations about yourself, to replace the old ones.
  4. Practice Gratitude– For every complaint or negative thought that comes to mind about your body or yourself, after you acknowledge it, practice gratitude. Example: “I hate my thighs because they are fat and have cellulite –>> I give THANKS for my thighs, because they carry me around everyday and help me travel from place to place!”
  5. Share The GOOD News– Yeeees! You get to flaunt your fabulous. Share your NEW, positive thoughts about your body and your self with others.  Whether it be friends, family, or social media. Flaunt your fabulous boldly! Keep in mind, that this is not about getting “likes” or the approval of others, it is for you to publicly affirm yourself.  You’ll be amazed at how it helps you to begin your journey towards a more healthy, loving relationship with your body and self.  Example:  With a selfie pic post or in a conversation with a true friend- “I woke up this morning, looked in the mirror and realized that I’m blessed and beautiful!”

I’d love to hear your feedback after you try these steps this week! Connect with me in the comments below, on social media, or email me: [email protected]



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Ivy LaArtista

CEO & Founder at See Body. Love Self.™
Ivy Cooper, The Body Relationship Coach™ is a professional health coach and body image expert. She offers education, empowerment, and encouragement to help people build health, loving relationships with their body and self.

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  • http://www.radicalselfie.com/ Akilah S. Richards

    Simple strategies for big, beautiful results–I LOVE it! Thank you for being so consistent in your work around love, bodies, and bliss, sis!

    • / Ivy LaArtista

      Thank you for reading and commenting @Execumama:disqus! Body image, self love and a holistically healthy life are passion subjects of mine. I LOVE this work.

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